

                                                         COLIN TURNER

                                  1 206-225-5002



DigiPen Institute of Technology — Redmond, Washington                                                                        May 2004

Associate of Applied Arts Degree in 3D Computer Animation



Animation, Rigging, Maya, 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Unreal Engine, Motion Capture



PUBG — Amsterdam, Netherlands

May 2021 — Present

  • Create and implement animation pipelines

  • Use Motionbuilder to manipulate motion capture data and hand key animation in Maya to meet production needs

  • Work with the Tech team to develop animation systems and implement them into Unity

Bungie — Bellevue, Washington

May 2020 — Nov 2020

Contract Cinematic Animator

  • Create high quality cinematic animations for cutscenes in Destiny 2

  • Adjust motion capture data and hand key animation to enhance and push performances

  • Give and receive feedback about shots early and often to ensure the needs of the scene are being met 

  • Export and implement renders    

Double Damage Games, Inc — Seattle, Washington

November 2017 — Present

Lead 3D Animator

  • Shipped Rebel Galaxy Outlaw as the sole animator responsible for all in-game, cutscene and trailer animation with the exception of the drawn elements of the Titmouse announcement trailer

  • Rigged and weighted characters and spaceships

  • Met deadlines and produced hundreds of animations for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

  • Helped refine procedural animation picking for conversations and experimented with new ideas to improve naturalistic conversations and facial expressions utilizing the systems already in place

  • Experimented with motion capture data pipeline and portable motion capture hardware

Runic Games, Inc — Seattle, Washington                                                                          February 2010 – November 2017

Senior 3D Animator

  • Part of a team of two animators responsible for creation and implementation of all animation content for Hob and Torchlight II

  • Responsible for rigging character and prop animation assets for Torchlight II and Hob

  • Managed and exported animations and introduced sound and particle tags into the game

  • Collaborated with development team to create new and original ideas and gameplay mechanics for Hob and Torchlight II

  • Created animation assets for award-winning Torchlight on Xbox 360, released March 9, 2011


Liquid Development, LLC — Portland, Oregon                                                       December 2008 – February 2010

3D Animator

  • Created quality in-game animations for clients such as Abandon Interactive’s MMO, Freaky Creatures

  • Met deadlines while exceeding expectations of animation quality


Reverie World Studios, Inc — Fort Worth, Texas                                                            November 2004 – July 2005

3D Animator

  • Conceptualized and created in-game animations for Dawn of Fantasy

  • Interviewed and evaluated prospective animators



  • Pixar Artists’ Masterclass in Animation and Story Development, presented by the Vancouver Institute of Media Arts, Seattle, Washington, June 2012

  • DigiPen Institute of Technology, Redmond, Washington, postgraduate course in modeling, rigging, and character animation, Suzanne Kaufman, instructor, January-May 2008





Colin Turner

Animator with the best dad jokes